I have decided not to update everyday. Im sure you all dont want the hear every moment of me not drinking lol.
Today is day 11. Almost half way there. This past week has been so easy. I really havent wanted to have a drink. The only day I wanted one was before my Audition on monday to calm my nerves and a number afterwards to drown my spirits. Thankfully due to being poor and having an awesome future husband, I go through the whole event :).
Today is friday and is the beginning of my second weekend off the alcohol. Heres hoping i make it through it :)
Days of FebFast: 11
Days remaining: 17
Number of FastBreaks Purchased: 0
Number of times at pub drinking water: 6
Amount raised: $360
Amount to Goal: $140
Shout outs go to my wonderful parents. Who as always have supported me through this charity event as they have done numurous times in the past. Thank you for your kindness and charity xxx
Also to the amazing Jude, another person to whom I am truely blessed to call a friend and also a best friend. One of the most kind, loving and generous people I know. thank you so much for your support.
So ive only got $140 left to raise. If you want to help all you have to do is click the link and donate the cost of a drink/Bottle of wine/a night out or as much as you can possibly donate. Its all for charity and as they say in Tescos "every little helps"
I love the way that google adsense is picking up on all your mentions of the word "alcohol", thus giving you a string of advertisements for alcohol and hangover cures on your FebFast blog! Oh dear, irony!