Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are you there Immi? Its me Claire (Part 2)

I know its been a while but unfortunately there has been a lot emotionally and mentaly going on in my life at present. Ive gotten to a stage where after 9 months of not working, the loneliness of spending days on my own and being broke has finally gotten to me. Oh and my brother has had to leave the country. That little comfort on having one of my best friends and a family member in Australia has been taken away from me. Ive been kick while im down and I cant get up again. I have taken myself away from social sites for a bit so wont we writing about my life here for a while. My other writing has stopped and ive no motivation to write. fingers crossed ill get it back

On the visa side yesterday I plucked up the courage to call immigration yesterday. What a shock im still where I was 2 months ago. Sitting in a pile in a box or a room or someones desk somewhere. I asked some questions about what happens if we get declined. I found the lady really unhelpful. she told me to be patient and as im still on a 457 to get a job with someone who would sponsor me. To which my response was "If it was that easy i wouldnt be bored or depressed or worried"..

On a plus note, my amazing friend Naomi found a position on line offering sponsorship. I will be applying for this so fingers crossed I hear something. Oh and the musical society reharshals are going awesome :)


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